This site is dedicated to supporting the Roger Conant project. An independent publication free from sponsorship or paid advertising.
The Life and Times of
East Budleigh’s Roger
Conant, founder of Salem,
A large and enthusiastic audience filled All Saints
Church, East Budleigh, last Friday 30 September. Keen
to hear Ian Blackwell’s slideshow talk about Roger
Conant, they were also intrigued by the painting
‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’ by Budleigh artist John
Washington. It is now on display in the church. Ian
explained that he is writing a book about Conant, and
gave an excellent insight into the difficulties of
distinguishing between ‘known unknowns’ and
‘unknown knowns’ which beset the historian. We know
the date of Conant’s baptism in East Budleigh, but not
when he was born. He has been described variously as
the son of the village miller and as a salter, and Ian
was able to show how, over the centuries, myths have
obscured the facts. The story of the Queen, the cloak
and the puddle, for example, was invented eighty years
after Sir Walter Raleigh’s death. Ian showed in his
final slide, that East Budleigh road signs welcoming
you to the village should proclaim that it is also the
birthplace of Roger Conant as well as that ‘chancer’ –
Ian’s description – Sir Walter Raleigh.
Ian Blackwell giving his lecture.
John Washington’s painting of Roger Conant
hanging in its temporary location in All Saints.